Welcome!! We're glad you're here!
Upcoming Events:
- Food for Thought Thursday: Thursday, February 20th, 12:30-2:30PM. ST House.
- Midweek Mindfulness: Tuesdays at 7PM, ST House
- Eucharistic Adoration & Reconciliation or conversation with Fr. Nick: Saturdays, 3:30-5PM, St House,
Make sure to keep in touch with us by following us on Instagram, signing up for text reminders with Remind and signing up for our CCM newsletter.
Our Mission: Catholic Campus Ministry ("CCM") at St. James Church is a student-led organization ministering to students at Illinois Tech, VanderCook College of Music and Illinois College of Optometry. to helping students grow in their love of Christ, neighbor and self via worship, formation, service, community-building and outreach. We help students explore faith, connect with other students of faith or seeking faith, and sharing the love of Christ with the Illinois Tech community. We welcome students of all faiths.
Our Vision: Fostering an environment that promotes the holistic development of students on campus including integration of faith into everyday life. Expanding our presence in the student community by providing brave spaces for all students to bring their whole selves, without fear of judgment, where they can explore their experiences through the lens of faith. Helping to guide students through the stresses of student life, and better enable them to remain healthy spiritually, physically and mentally. Facilitating access to the sacraments and opportunities for prayerful reflection. Having a positive impact on our community through outreach and service.
We are blessed to have a space to gather at the ST House, 3347 S. Michigan (across from U Farm and Greek Quad). We often gather there for fellowship and prayer.
Calendar of Events
Opportunities for worship, formation, service, community-building and outreach.
Mass - Sunday Masses are in the Church at 29th between State and Wabash at 9:30AM and 11:30AM in English and 1:00PM in Spanish. Mass is also celebrated Monday through Friday at 7:30AM in the St. James rectory (2942 S. Wabash). Mass is celebrated both in-person and the 9:30AM Mass is also Zoom. You can join St. James for Mass on-line on Sundays at 9:30AM and Monday through Friday at 7:30AM by clicking on the links under Mass Times on the right.
Once a month we celebrate a student-led Mass at 5:00PM on campus in the God Box at Illinois Tech. These Masses are followed by a free meal and conversation at the ST House. On-Campus Student Masses for Spring 2025 are on January 19th, February 9th, March 9th and April 6th. We will also have a Mass on campus at 12:50PM on Ash Wednesday, March 5th.
We like having students serve as readers, greeters and Eucharistic ministers on Sunday. Please consider serving in one of these ministries and let your Campus Minister know that you're interested.
For a map to St. James, click here.
Midweek Mindfulness - These are unique opportunities to pause, reflect, and pray together. This gathering is designed to offer spiritual nourishment in the midst of your week, providing a space to explore how the divine is at work in your life and engage in meaningful discussions about life and faith with your peers. The format varies from week to week and includes experiences such as Holy Hour/Eucharistic Adoration, discussions of scripture, and reflections on poetry and art. Open to people of all faiths or seeking to deepen their spirituality. We meet at the ST House. The sacrament of Reconciliation is available on evenings that we have Holy Hour/Eucharistic Adoration or by appointment with Fr. Nick or Fr. John.
Coffee & Conversation - after 9:30AM Mass at St. James once/month. Join us in the St. James Rectory to cook a delicious meal together. This inclusive event welcomes all students, regardless of whether they attend St. James.
Food for Thought Thursday- 12:30-2:30PM at the ST House once/month. Drop by the ST House every third Thursday of the month for an inviting opportunity to ask questions, share thoughts, and engage in meaningful discussions about faith and life with your peers. This casual lunch gathering provides a relaxed setting where you can connect with others, explore your faith journey, and foster a sense of community. Bring your questions, big or small, as we create a space for open dialogue and mutual exploration. Whether you're seeking answers, sharing experiences, or simply connecting with like-minded individuals, this monthly event is open to everyone. Come join us for a fulfilling afternoon, where good company and insightful discussions await
Eucharistic Adoration/Reconciliation. Spend time in quiet reflection with our Lord, present in the Eucharist and receive the sacrament of Reconciliation. Saturdays from 3:30-5PM at the ST House, and the first Friday of each month at the Tolton Chapel in the St. James Rectory from 8:30-9:30AM and 6-7PM . Reconciliation and/or conversation is also available by appointment with Fr. Nick and Fr. John.
Retreats - We hold a retreat for college students at least once/year . We also offer two single-day retreats for parishioners which are open to students. These are great ways to nourish your spirituality and to become more a part of the St. James Community. The Spring 2025 retreat is tentatively scheduled for 2/28 - 3/1 or 3/7-3/8.
Adult Confirmation Classes and OCIA - Are you a Catholic who never received the Sacrament of Confirmation? Are you a Catholic who has been away from the Church and would like to reconnect? Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? Contact Amy for more information.
Become Active in the CCM Student Organization! Catholic Campus Ministry is not just a ministry of St. James Church. It's also a recognized student organization at Illinois Tech, VanderCook and ICO. This is a great way to get to know other Catholic students and to have a voice in the kinds of programs we offer.
Are you receiving our student newsletter? If not, please sign up here.
Contacts and addresses:
Your Campus Minister is Amy Pellettiere. You can reach her at (312) 842-1919 x212 (office), (312) 896-1910 (direct/cell), apellettiere@StJamesWabash.org. Her office is located in the St. James Parish Office and Food Pantry at 2907 S. Wabash. Amy is not in the office on Fridays or Saturdays.
Fr. Nick Barille, ST is available for confessions and conversation. You can reach him at nbarille3@gmail.com and (714)328-0126. Fr. Nick is located at the Missionary Servants House (ST House) at 3347 S. Michigan Ave. across from U Farm and the Greek Quad.