If I had been one of the apostles I’d have been upset. Jesus sent them out, they did their job, came back and were excited to report their success. Jesus knew how hard they had been working so he suggested they take some vacation days. However, when they got to the Galilean equivalent of Cancun they found that there was a crowd there already who wanted something from them. When Jesus disembarked and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd. Vacation ruined. If it were me, I’d have told Jesus that these people can wait a day. But no, he had to respond … and then I’d feel guilty for not being as generous with my time as he was. Those in ministry face this issue all the time. We need our breaks so we don’t burn out but the needs are always there. Knowing when to respond and when to defer requires careful discernment.