For the next several weeks we are in ordinary time in the Church’s calendar — not that the time is ordinary but that it is counted (think of the English term “ordinal numbers.”) In ordinary time the liturgy does what is known as the “continuous reading” where a particular book of the Bible is read chapter by chapter. Today and for the the next several weeks the first reading is from the Letter to the Hebrews and the Gospel is taken from St. Mark. Mark chapter one launches right into Jesus’ public ministry — no birth story at all. He begins proclaiming the coming kingdom of God and call to repent and believe the good news. The first action Jesus takes is to gather people around him. After approaching the two sets of brothers Jesus said to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Even the Son of God needed people to companion him, to help him, to support him. As followers of Jesus we should find people who will walk with us in faith as well.