“If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” Throughout the Bible — Jeremiah, the Psalms, Jesus — the image of a hardened heart is used a symbol of a spiritual problem. We know something of how our physical heart gets hardened. We call it arteriosclerosis. This disease does not happen all at once but develops over time: the causes — french fries instead of broccoli, hamburger instead of halibut, sweets instead of salad. The daily choices we make over the long term cause the physical damage. The spiritual disease similarly develops out of the daily choices we make — holding onto a grudge, ignoring the needs of our neighbor, focusing on getting instead of giving. The remedy for our spiritual hardness of heart (can we call it spiritual lipitor?) happens when we do those everyday things which shift the focus on sharing with others the gracious mercy of God which we have received in such abundance. Since we have been blessed, share the blessing. Getting the spotlight off of little old me keeps our hearts soft and supple.
By Church Staff