I took the small scroll from the angel’s hand and swallowed it. In my mouth it was like sweet honey, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour. Doing the right thing, doing the will of God, is sweet. However, often doing the right thing can leave a sour feeling in your stomach. If you have ever had to do an intervention because a family member or friend was abusing alcohol or drugs you know this feeling. You are sure that it is the right thing but at the same time you are sick to your stomach during the confrontation. Jesus, no doubt, when he was cleansing the temple had a similar mix of emotions. He was desirous of honoring his heavenly father but he felt keenly that the price to do that was hostility from members of the religious hierarchy. The challenge for us is to be clear on following the will of God knowing that whatever difficulty ensues will be transformed by the sweet Holy Spirit.