In one sense God is beyond time and all that we can do is be in awe at the presence of the divine. On the other hand, since God shares human life with us in the person of Jesus we are given access into the divine nature and how God is present in the world. For that reason preachers and theologians have to be aware of the signs of the times. “When you see these things happening, know that the Kingdom of God is near.” Throughout human history there has been a temptation to look for the signs of the end times. However, the nearness of God is for all time and not just at the end. We must see what is happening right today and find God’s presence there. When we look around us we find great potential and great peril. Advances in communication and technology have made it possible for there to be one world, where every person has a chance of a full human life. On the other hand, greed and selfishness threaten our life together and even the welfare of the planet. Believers must take the lead in accenting the positive and eliminating the negative.