Stewardship is a Way of Life!
A steward is someone who has been entrusted with something of value on behalf of someone else. As Christians, we are called to joyful generosity in all that God has given us for the good of all. Out time, talent, and treasure have all been given to us by our generous God. Sharing these gifts involves joining the community in its prayer and worship as well as using our talents to help all in our community. Here are some ways that you can financially assist the work that St. James does in the community:
To donate to the Parish Offertory Program, click here.
Make a weekly, monthly or one-time contribution.
To donate to Saint James Social Care, click here.
Support Saint James Food Pantry and Senior Ministry
To donate to Saint James Campus Ministry, click here.
Support our ministry to the neighborhood colleges (including IIT, VanderCook & ICO)
If you prefer to use checks, please just make it out to St. James Church, put any special purpose in the memo line, and mail it to the parish offices at 2907 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago IL 60616.
If you would like to receive envelopes for weekly offerings, please contact Br. Christopher Buck FSC (312) 842-1919 X205,