Pope Francis: “The Church’s missionary spirit is not about proselytizing, but the testimony of a life that illuminates the path, which brings hope and love. The Church—I repeat once again—is not a relief organization, an enterprise or an NGO, but a community of people, animated by the Holy Spirit, who have lived and are living the wonder of the encounter with Jesus Christ and want to share this experience of deep joy, the message of salvation that the Lord gave us” [Message for World Mission Day, May 19, 2013]. St. Paul says, If I preach the Gospel, this is no reason for me to boast, for an obligation has been imposed on me, and woe to me if I do not preach it! Both the Apostle and the Holy Father want us to understand that the responsibility we have as evangelizers will be accomplished more by how we live than by any kind of persuasive argument.